La Mat
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I am Angela Matera, artistically known as 'La Mat’, an Italian artist currently based in Madrid, Spain. In my latest project “Mujeres” (Women), my works reflect the different facets of women's lives in our time, with their discomforts and feelings on the difficulty of being a womanin this century. With a 20-year wealth of experience in printmaking, painting and drawing, I am now experimenting an even richer mixed media technique to represent my female subjects in a pop-art style, combining my established skills with collage, mainly using fabrics and vintage magazines. The mix of patterns and bright colors aims to convey, behind the aesthetic, a strong social message. My "Mujeres" are always a little perplexed, often "faceless”, sometimes they prefer to be accompanied by animals rather than by people, and they always maintain a femininity and sensuality that distinguishes them.
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